mistaken belief

美 [mɪˈsteɪkən bɪˈliːf]英 [mɪˈsteɪkən bɪˈliːf]
  • 错误观念
mistaken beliefmistaken belief
  1. I told her my secret in the mistaken belief that I could trust her .


  2. This can lead to the mistaken belief — the knowledge we found was part of what we knew all along .


  3. Sufferers typically cut out entire food groups - often in the mistaken belief they are unhealthy or their bodies are intolerant to them - thereby depriving themselves of essential nutrition and vitamins .


  4. Yet the mistaken belief persists that these procedures provide an objective basis for decision making .


  5. I helped him in the mistaken belief that he needed me .


  6. He was under the mistaken belief that I was in charge .


  7. This statement illustrates a mistaken belief .


  8. Okder people may be mistaken belief that they are incapable of learning anything new because of their age .


  9. Many of us suffer from the mistaken belief that nervousness automatically counts against us , but that 's a fallacy .


  10. Many organizations today focus their security efforts entirely on people outside of the organization in the mistaken belief that only outsiders are a danger .


  11. Parents buy their children high-alcohol mixed drinks for parties in the mistaken belief they are introducing them to responsible drinking .


  12. Millions of women apply foundation , lipstick and mascara every morning , many in the mistaken belief that this will make them look attractive to men .


  13. The city is the mistaken belief that the development by the shackles of the mother river , began to abandon and destroy the nourishing rivers .


  14. The government says that in some cases traffic signs are installed by councils in the mistaken belief they are legally required , when they are not .


  15. Dr Wansink , of America 's Cornell university , said that people had the mistaken belief that their stomach would let them know when it was full .


  16. Science is losing out because of the mistaken belief that men are from Mars and women from Venus , a leading neuroscientist has claimed .


  17. These names may have arisen from the mistaken belief at the time that the New World was the Indies , or the sense that the turkey trade passed through India .


  18. Science is losing out because of the mistaken belief that " men are from Mars and women from Venus , " a leading neuroscientist has claimed .


  19. Ringxiety refers to the sensation and mistaken belief of some people who hear their mobile phones ringing or feel them vibrating , when actually the telephone is silent .


  20. ONLY 3 percent of Shanghai women smoke but experts said yesterday that they are seeing a rising number of young women turning to cigarettes in the mistaken belief it will help them stay slim .


  21. A large chunk of those losses came as a result of misjudged derivatives contracts , which the airlines bought in early 2008 in the mistaken belief that jet fuel prices would continue their rapid rise .


  22. A great difficulty for parents is allowing their children to be wrong or do something poorly in the mistaken belief that these experiences will hurt their sense of competence and scar their little psyches .


  23. A similar experimental problem was behind the mistaken belief , prevalent until two decades ago , that our species has a unique system of facial recognition , since we are so much better at identifying faces than any other primate .


  24. One is a mistaken belief that foreign policy presents leaders with straightforward choices : put up or pull out in Afghanistan ; negotiate with Iran or bomb it ; shun allies or bow to them ; court popularity among the Arabs or back Israel .


  25. It was mistaken in its belief that the euro and full national sovereignty are compatible .


  26. The attackers saw the incompatibility , but were mistaken in their belief that it was the euro , rather than the Westphalian dogma , that would emerge most damaged .


  27. But , he argues , it is mistaken in its core belief that greed can be a benign and sustainable force .
